Eat To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

Is your belly fat disfiguring you? Are you not confident enough to keep up at a fitness center? If you have been looking for effective ways to burn stubborn belly fat fast, food plays an important role in this. You just have to learn to eat right; eat your way to a flatter belly.

Here is the good news.

Some diet modifications can help you lose the extra pounds around your midsection. This is even much more effective if you are not very overweight but just want to get rid of excess belly fat. The following foods can help you achieve your goal to burn stubborn belly fat fast if they are eaten on a regular basis.

1. Brown Rice

You get whole grains from brown rice. People who eat more than 3 servings of whole grains daily had 10% less belly fat than those who only include few whole grains in their diet.

Burn stubborn Belly Fat

A study reported in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that eating whole grains as recommended here wouldn’t make any difference if you also include servings of refined grains the same way. Those you get the most benefit of whole grains for weight loss are those who ate less refined stuff.

2. Cucumbers

Burn stubborn Belly Fat

Cucumber has a high water content of about 96% and the flavonoid antioxidant quercetin also helps to reduce swelling. Cucumber helps to prevent bloating. Another good thing about cucumber is that it is versatile. This crunchy veggie can be eaten in chopped salad or sprinkle on yoghurt.

3. Lentils

Lentils are one of the members of the nutritious pulse family. They are also great sources of iron. According to studies, if you are deficient in the mineral, your metabolism will slow down.

Burn stubborn Belly Fat

You can use lentils instead of brown rice or in place of other whole grains or you can just add them to your salad. Other sources of iron just like lentils are other seeds that are loaded with fiber and protein are dried pass, white beans and chickpeas.

According to Bruce Krahn , the author of the Lean Belly Breakthrough guide, lentils can be made as ‘bed’ for a serving of protein with a large portion of veggies.

4. Bananas

Burn stubborn Belly Fat

If you crave an afternoon snack, then banana maybe your best choice. Apart from the presence of potassium in banana, you also get to enjoy lots of resistant starch, which is a healthy carbohydrate. This type of carbohydrate helps you to feel full for a longer time since the body digests it slowly. Apart from this, with resistant starch, you are encouraging your liver to burn more fat by boosting your metabolic rate.

Good news about bananas is that they also help to regulate the levels f sodium in the body by preventing water retention. This reduces your risk of having trouble with bloating and keeps you full for longer. Resistant starch also encourages your liver to switch to fat-burning mode, giving your metabolism a boost.

5. Dark chocolate

For people with a sweet tooth, you don’t have to avoid all chocolates. You can go with good quality chocolate. The kinds with about 65% cacao is especially good for you.

Burn stubborn Belly Fat

Dark chocolate has monounsaturated fats that are healthy, just like the ones you find in avocados. These fatty acids may help you boost your metabolism to burn stubborn belly fat fast. According to a study from the University of California, adults who ate more dark chocolate had lower BMIs more frequently when compared with those who didn’t eat enough chocolate.

You just have to make sure you are mindful of your portions because you also want to keep your calories in check as well. It is highly recommended that you just have a piece the size of a container for dental floss.

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