Fit Over 50 – 5 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your Health

Personally, what can you expect from this decade of your life? People don’t age the same way and the kind of lifestyle of each life, plays a key role in this process. However, you should expect to experience both impossible-to-miss and hard-to-notice changes in your mental and physical health.

  1. Work On Your Immunity

Fit Over 50 – 5 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your Health Allergies happen as a result of an overactive immune system. As you age, allergies may not be as severe as before it used to be when you were younger, which is simply because your immune system is no longer as sensitive.

So, you can stop and smell the flowers.

However, the fact that your body’s immune system’s response has become less aggressive means that you are more vulnerable to sickness. This is why you have to protect yourself. You can do this by exercising, eating well and shedding excess pounds.

As you age, your body’s response to vaccines also reduces and this makes you more susceptible to falling ill with pneumonia and flu. Getting more sleep can help you boost the effectiveness of your vaccines.

According to study, people who do not have enough sleep produced fewer antibodies after they received a vaccine.

2. Lesser “Night-time Trips”

15 5- 20% of over 50 adults urinates at least twice at night. So, make sure you reduce the amount of fluid you take after 6 p.m. Also, avoid alcohol and caffeinated beverages.

If you are taking medication for high blood pressure, talk to your doctor to know if you can take your pills in the morning, since such medications are diuretic.

However, If you’re healthy generally, you don’t have to worry about this since your urological system works just fine, just like it did when you were 30 and 40.

All the same, eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits with high water content. Also, don’t forget to stay hydrated.

3. Make Yourself Happy

Fit Over 50 – 5 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your HealthJust be happy.

According to Bob Knight, Ph.D., a professor of gerontology and psychology in Los Angeles mentioned that older people are more careful at managing their lives.

They are also better when it comes to anticipating difficult situations, mostly for fear of getting themselves exposed to unnecessary stress.

Although this is good for your emotional health, but I can’t say the same for your social networks. This is because doing this can narrow your social networks and limit you to more supportive people.

So, staying away from stressful situations might make you miss out on new opportunities.

But the good news is that we get happier. By now, you know bad times will pass and so will good times, which makes the good times more precious. There is a natural emotional savoring and the ability to regulate one’s en=motions that comes with aging.

You will see yourself getting less bothered by situations that would have greatly bothered you in the past.

Also, emotions such as sadness and anger will no longer be as frequent as before. I guess it’s because older people just get better at getting rid of negativity.

4. Keep Your Heart Strong

Fit Over 50 – 5 Things You Can Do To Optimize Your Health

As you age, your heart’s walls get thicker. The valves also get stiffer. This is usually the period when most over 50 adults experience their first signs of heart disease. However, the death rates from heart disease have reduced, thanks to new treatments.

However, you will have less to worry about if you are active and healthy. But it is still never too late to do your own part. So, get active and get moving.

If you have noticed a racing heart or skipped beat, it could be heart arrhythmia. It is common with age. You can mention it to your doctor. You should also let him know if you are experiencing dizziness, weakness and unusual fatigue during exercise.

5. Maintain Your Sharpness

As you age, you will begin to experience delays in accessing your memories, but memory loss that has been associated with aging is something that we can avoid. There are several research studies that have supported this fact.

These studies also show that adults who are regularly physically active have a bigger hippocampus. The hippocampus is the region of the brain that is responsible for learning and memory. This further help you keep your mind sharp.

The Good News here is that the growth of new brain cells still continues well, even into your 60s. Also, there are no bad changes in your capacity to learn new things.

However, you might experience mild forgetfulness, which is rarely a sign of something serious. But if it happens every day, then you need to talk to your doctor.

According to Fred Schafer, over 50 fitness expert and the author of Over 50 Fit guide mentioned that active social life, intellectual stimulation and regular exercise by hitting a fitness centre once or twice in a week can benefit the brain a great deal.

For the best fitness centres around, you can start your search from Kansas, Missouri. Don’t worry, they have branches in other cities as well.

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